Nail Your Homework Routine

Rituals provide security and help to define your child’s identity. “My Dad picks me up after nap.” “Our family eats dinner together.” As adults, we also have rituals that make us feel comfortable, at ease, and in control of our lives. Coffee in the morning, Sunday conversations with a parent, weekly bike rides. Just as you like to know where you are and where you are headed, children need that same sense of awareness to feel comfortable in their surroundings. Routines also help to foster important character skills like discipline and focus. So, it only makes sense that you develop a homework routine that puts—and keeps—your child in a studious state of mind.

Start with a break/ light snack. Consider that your child hasn’t eaten since approximately 12 or earlier. Help them decompress by talking and snacking with you.  Ask their opinion and really listen to their responses. You can learn a lot about your child’s character in these tiny moments.

Review the agenda TOGETHER. These days, schools make sure that each student has a way of organizing their assignments, however it’s not always required. YOU should require organization and sign off upon completion.

Set goals before beginning. Show your child how to set priorities based on deadlines and difficulty. Depending on what you want to foster and the personality you may be dealing with, decide if easy tasks should be completed before the tedious ones. Sometimes its better to let them do the fun tasks first, but not every time. Give him/her something to look forward to.

Schedule a break. If you have a student that can’t seem to focus, give them a light at the end of the tunnel. “ After you finish Math, and three Spelling sentences, you may stop and have a drink.” Don’t make rewards too huge or time consuming. The idea is to complete assignments.

STUDY. After the homework is done, show your child how to study a little each day.  If the teacher taught Chapter 2 on Monday, review bits of chapter 2 each day, on top of regular homework. Don’t let this routine become monotonous. Make flashcards, write a song, play a game, watch a relevant video. DO show them that studying and homework are NOT synonymous. 

Kids settle into routine—or the lack thereof—very easily. The sooner you maintain a schedule and a set way of doing things, the better everyone’s time will be spent.

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