SMART phones, SMART parents

We know. Realistically, you probably don’t want to add your three-year-old to your AT&T family plan. However, other technology like an iPod touch or iPad can be a smart educational move for your little learner.  Kids today are born into a digital world. Consequently, they need and want to navigate the internet driven, touch screen, “there’s an app for that”, society that we live in.  Only a few years ago, technology in education was defined as high school students learning to type papers on Microsoft Word.  Now it is becoming the expectation that preschoolers have access to computers. In response, parents are grooming their baby techies for school with educational apps, e-books, and software.  Like television, people fear that iPhone time just creates a new way for children to disengage reality. However, research shows that technology can enhance the learning process.

“In particular, [for educational technology to be effective] it must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.”

This is not just about teachers: Parents are the “real world experts.” Curricular goals are up to you. Want your child to learn the alphabet or practice math? Then don’t buy a doodle app… (at least in the beginning. Art is important too!) “Frequent interaction” and “active engagement” is a touch screen, sounds that identify success and mistakes, and you encouraging your child to play and learn.

Thousands of apps are designed for children, and have been approved for Droid technology and Mac products. Check out the Top 10 Apps. approved by parent bloggers all over the web.

Top Ten Apps- Droid 

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