Learning Like a 3rd, Part I

Though classrooms differ from state to state, your child will learn a lot of universal reading and writing facts, practices, and rules. By the end of third grade, your child should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What and where are the title, table of contents, glossary, table of contents, and index? How do I use them?
  • What does an author do?
  • What is an illustrator?
  • What is the setting, main characters, and plot of a story?
  • How do I use the dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, almanac, and newspaper, as well as maps?
  • What is the difference between nonfiction and fiction?
  • What type of sentence uses an exclamation mark? A question mark? A period?
Practice at Home: Read a passage that includes both fact and opinion. Let your child sort the factual statements from opinion.  For fun, give them two different colored bandannas to wave when you read a fact or opinion. 

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