Learning Like a Second Grader, Part II

Though classrooms differ from state to state, your child will learn a lot of universal reading and writing facts, practices, and rules. By the end of 2nd grade, your child should be able to complete the following tasks:

Second Graders must begin to:
·         Read chapter books
·         Write basic sentences
·         Become stronger spellers
·         Work on becoming more fluent readers
·         Use background knowledge to understand what they read
·         Practicing decoding skills to sound out difficult words
·         Express themselves more clearly in writing
·         Use punctuation and capitalization
·         Read and understand a variety of materials ( stories, plays, newspapers, charts)
·         Write different types of sentences
·         Revise their writing

HOT TIP: “Listen to your child read to help them develop fluency. Children become fluent readers through lots and lots of practice. Make it a point to listen to your child read to you every so often. If your child makes a mistake when reading, encourage him to try and fix it himself by asking, "Did that make sense?" or "Should you re-read that part?" To help your child read with greater expression and fluency, try reading and re-reading plays and poetry together.” --- (Source PBS Parents)

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