ClickN READ Phonics Product Review By One Big Healthy Family

Vendor Name: ClickN KIDS
Vendor Contact Information:  ClickN KIDS Website
Name of Product:   ClickN READ Phonics
Price of Product:  The Regular price is $99.95, but for a limited time the price is $59.85 for one student with 3 different payment options for a lifetime, transferable subscription!  $19.95 for each additional student.
Age Range the product is designed for: Ages 3+
Other Products offered by the Vender: ClickN SPELLChildren’s HeadphonesChildren’s sized Keyboards,  Phonics books
I have received the following reviewed item free of charge to use in our homeschool in exchange for an honest review.  I do not receive any other compensation for this review, although I am an affiliate of this company, so purchasing through this review will give me a small commission.
Not many people can boast of having taught 7 children how to read unless you are a school teacher, or a large homeschooling family mama :o )  Fortunately, I am one of the latter!  Previously, I have used the same program to teach all of the children.  When I first started homeschooling many years ago, I was so overwhelmed at all the homeschooling choices out there that I walked into a home-school supply store, talked to the salesperson and bought anything she recommended.  The program I have previously used, was one of those recommendations.  I had tried straying from using it a couple of times, but I just felt that it worked the best out of anything I tried.  For one thing, it was phonics based and I felt that learning phonics is necessary for long term reading skills.  My husband was taught the whole word  method and quite often when reading will get the wrong words, simply because they have a the same letters at the beginning and end and maybe one in the middle.   I, on the other hand, was taught the phonics method and even when given another language, I can easily sound it out.   So, both of us wanted our children taught using the phonics method.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t always spend the amount of time teaching the little ones to read that I wanted to spend, especially as we added more students to our family.   Sure, they still learned to read, and just as quickly, but it probably wasn’t as fun as it could have been for them :o )
When I was given the opportunity to review the ClickN READ Phonics program from ClickN KIDS, I was excited!  It boasts that it can bring any student from a kindergarten level to a grade 3 level in 100 lessons.   For older children you can choose to put them in higher levels and use it as a review.  Out of all of our children so far, we have had one that had a very hard time grasping reading and we went over it and over and over it, but it just was not “clicking” with him (heehee, pun intended LOL).  He finally learned to read at the age of 8, but even now at 10, still gets some things mixed up.  I felt that he could use even more review so I was very pleased to have been given 4 ClickN READ Phonics student spots for this review so I could include him in this as well!  He loves to play it and is doing very well.  This company is so generous and wonderful to work with because they also offered to giveaway a copy of their programs on my blog! 
As mentioned, I have 4 student spots available, but that doesn’t mean that they are just for the 4 students I have learning to read or reviewing right now and then they expire.  NO!  The great thing about the ClickN KIDS programs is that they are fully transferable for life!  Yes, that means that I can keep this program forever and use it for any future children who need to learn to read!  Then, when I am finished using it, I can pass it on to another family and they can use it until they want to pass it on etc.   Even though the price of the program is very reasonable to begin with, that makes the price AMAZING!
It is internet based, so you can use it anywhere in the world that you travel.  Being internet based also means that you don’ t have to worry that it will become incompatible with your computer, or that you will lose the download in a crash and lose your investment. 
There are 4 different areas of each ClickN READ Phonics lesson.  Each area teaches or reinforces a different aspect of phonics. 
1. The Letter Sound Chamber where they Learn Phonics Letter Sounds
2. The Listening Cube – Learn Phonics Word Blending
3. The Reading Room – Learn Word and Sentence Reading Skills
4. The Speed Chamber – Practice Phonics Skills Learned
But, how can a homeschooling parent keep track of how the child is doing if they are learning to read using a program on the computer?  It is very simple!  This program has the most wonderful progress reports and gives the parent complete control over how fast each child advances.  Did they not do very well on one lesson?  That’s okay, all you have to do is check the progress report and allow them to repeat the lessons as often as necessary until they grasp the sounds fully!  Don’t know whether they did well?   All you have to do is compare their score to the average score  to see if they should repeat or go on.   
As you can see, our little 5 year old loves “playing” on her ClickN READ Phonics and looks forward to it each day!  You will not be disappointed with this program if you are looking for a program to either teach your children how to read, or reinforce what you are teaching them.  Fun, interactive, colourful, modern and easy to use!!  Please head on over to the ClickN KIDS website and get started today!

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